The 5 Unhappiness Traps


What do we mean by ‘unhappiness traps’?Traps


‘Traps’ are dangerous aspects of our society that draw us in and hold us back from living and enjoying our lives fully. The traps are hidden – not easily visible.

Within each trap there is the promise of something wonderful – a great opportunity. But as we move towards the opportunity, we are in danger of sliding down into unhappiness, the trap.


Although there are many of these unhappiness traps present in today’s world we’ll be looking at 5 that are particularly important to us as parents.


Click on any of the traps below to find out more about them.


Trap 1: The ‘Consumerism’ Trap




Trap 2: The ‘Perfect’ Trap





Trap 3: The ‘Overloving’ Trap



Trap 4: The ‘Idol’ Trap





Trap 5: The ‘Sleeping’ Trap


If you are interested in ‘Strong Love’ Parenting and how it may help your family

please have a look at our online Life Program

‘The 10 Secrets of Successful Families’.



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Next:  Finding 'Strong Love' in today's world


Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.