What is ‘strong love’ parenting?


What is ‘Strong Love’ Parenting?

It’s a fresh approach to parenting in today’s challenging world


‘Strong Love’ Parenting is a thoughtful loving approach to raising our children in these challenging times.

It is the philosophy that underlies ‘The 10 Secrets of Successful Families’ program as well as being the core principles shared within the ‘Building Stronger Families’ community.


What is strong love?

Strong Love Parenting is an approach that is based on deep love and respect for both parents and children.    It helps create strong bonds and lives well lived.

Strong Love is about:

  • loving our children deeply, without overloving, overpraisisng or overindulging
  • teaching them how to live with appreciation for what they have, not regret for what they don’t
  • showing them that life is a wonderful opportunity if we live wisely, respecting ourselves and others


If you are interested in learning more about the Strong Love approach, especially if you are working with your family on “The 10 Secrets’ program and want to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying philosophy, then read through the following outline:



# The challenges of raising children

 1. Today’s popular ‘softer style’ parenting

 2. Preparing our children for an uncertain future

3. Falling into today’s ‘unhappiness traps’



# Finding ‘strong love’ in today’s world

1. What is ‘strong love’?

2. The 5 ‘Strong Love’ principles

3. The 10 Strong Love Messages



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Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.