Trap 2: The ‘Perfect’ Trap


In today’s world we see so many great opportunities that we tend to set high expectations about what life may offer us and what we expect of ourselves in return. In other words, we try to build a ‘perfect’ life.

As parents this probably affects us most in the trap of trying to be ‘perfect’ parents – which sometimes includes perfect homes, perfect children and feeling perfectly happy all the time.


Here’s a simple picture of the ‘good mother’ according to this ‘perfect parent’ trap….


And here’s the picture of the ‘good father’.





If you’re interested in these issues

you may like to join the ‘Building Stronger Families’ community

or start creating a stronger happier family with ‘The 10 Secrets’ Family Program.



10 Secrets buttonTo learn more about the program click here.

What to do next?


Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.