Trap 5: The ‘Sleeping’ Trap



There are many great opportunities in these global times. There are the simple joys of travelling the world or even seeing the world from the comfort of our own home. The world is a wide and wonderful place and despite its complexities and at times confronting images, it enriches us to be able to experience other lives beyond our own.

However, lying close to these opportunities is the hidden trap of ‘being asleep’ – letting ourselves or our children be unaware or unprepared for what is happening in our global world.

Thomas Friedman’s ‘flat world’ reminds us that events occurring on the other side of the planet can directly impact on our own lives. Friedman described himself as being asleep and waking up to the realisation that the world was flattening. In his words:

” The recognition that the world was flat was unnerving

because I realised that this flattening had been taking place while I was sleeping,

and I had missed it.”


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What to do next?




Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.