The ‘Building Stronger Families’ community

“Our families are the people who know us the best … and love us anyway.”

Building Stronger Families is an online community for parents who deeply love their children and want to make their family life a positive experience for everyone in the family.


 Welcome to Building Stronger Families



My name is Therese and I am a psychologist, a wife and a mum …. all at the same time!

The concept of a ‘strong family’ has been with me a long time, as I studied and practiced psychology and as I raised my own children.


To me a strong family is the opposite of a fragile one, that is, a family that is distant, disconnected, and buckles easily under pressure. Strong families are resilient, close, fun-filled and are able to weather the storms of life together.

My ideas about building stronger families have evolved over many years. I have learnt so much from the clients who have shared their stories with me, my children as they sat around the dining table, and conversations with other mums while watching netball games or picking up kids from school.

I’m not writing this because I have all the answers. Family life can be a daily struggle for me, as it is for many others at times. But I have read widely, thought deeply and have a professional background in this area, and would like to share with you some of the things I have learnt along the way.

I hope you find this way of thinking useful and join us in our online community.

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Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.