Message 9: It’s better to be prepared

Let’s think about this message – ‘It’s better to be prepared than to be surprised’.   

This message is about helping our children keep their eyes open, looking beyond themselves and their immediate world to see the larger world.  This larger world may be international events, environmental issues or simply the other kids in the class, school, or neighbourhood.

But the message is more than this. It is also about helping our children be ready and prepared to deal with these bigger issues.

The message helps our children combat the ‘Sleeping’ trap – that is the trap of being asleep and unprepared when change is occurring. It’s the idea that letting our children be naive to other people and issues is not actually in our children’s best interests.


What does this message mean for us as parents?

Within our busy lives are we able to keep our eyes open to the world beyond us? And when we do this, do we become overwhelmed or depressed by what we see?

  • Are we able to explain the world to ourselves in simple but honest terms, with a genuine sense of realistic optimism?
  • Are we prepared for the predictable challenges that lie ahead of us – even the simple ones within our everyday lives like deadlines at work, preparing for the Christmas rush?


If we would like our children to be able to look beyond their immediate world and to be prepared for what may await them, then we need to teach them that ‘ it is better to be prepared than to be surprised’.




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What to do next?

Return to The 10 Strong Love Messages overview
Read: Message 10: Life can be hard sometimes but I'll be alright



Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.