Message 4: Work hard for what you want


We know that we want our children to be active players in their own lives, not passively waiting for the world to provide.     But to be an active player requires hard work.

That’s why the fourth Message in the ‘Strong Love’ parenting approach is …. work hard for what you want, hard work brings rewards.


Sometimes our children are not ready or prepared for this effort, especially if they are susceptible to the idol’ trap – that is, the trap where children come to believe that they are good at everything they do, even without trying.  These children tend to become ‘idols’ (expecting others to do it for them) or ‘idle’ (unmotivated underachievers)

Instead, we’d like to be able to encourage our children to work hard on themselves.  Remember our goal is to help them become ‘strong, thoughtful problem-solvers’.  These qualities take effort to develop – both on the part of our children and also for ourselves in our role of helping them.

In the ‘Strong Love’ Parenting program we help our children not just to ‘believe in themselves’ but also to ‘work hard on themselves’ – developing their skills and knowledge.




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What to do next?

Return to The 10 Strong Love Messages overview
Read: Message 5: If it's going to be, it's up to me



Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.