Message 3: Respect others, respect yourself


Perhaps one of the most important life skills we teach our children is the value of ‘respect’ … respect for others and for themselves.


Respect forms the foundation of all healthy relationships – and it is the cornerstone of the ‘strong love’ parenting approach. 



The ‘Respect others, respect yourself’ message helps combat the negative effects of  the ‘Overloving Trap’ which entices us to love our children so much that they come to believe that the world is all about them, and start living ‘me’ focused lives.


So what’s the message in this for us as parents?

Take a moment to reflect on this yourself.

  • Am I overloving my children and disrespecting myself… and burning out along the way?
  • Have I neglected my own needs and become little more than a slave or money-tree for my children?
  • Do I expect others to treat me with respect … and address it with them if they don’t?

How do I show ‘respect’ for the people in my life – my partner, our children, our friends and family, my boss, our neighbours?


In summary, this message helps us keep our children focused on the world outside themselves, recognising both their own needs and the needs of others …  Respect others, respect yourself.



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What to do next?

Return to The 10 Strong Love Messages overview
Read: Message 4: Work hard for what you want



Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.