Message 7: Problems happen in life

Perhaps one of the greatest inevitabilities of life is that problems happen – at times they are unavoidable.

We don’t live in a perfect world and coming to terms with this truth actually liberates us. It helps us be better prepared to deal with life without constantly being surprised, thrown or disheartened when things go wrong.


SLP - message 7


This message ‘Problems happen in life – it’s how we handle them that matters’ is a tool to help us combat some of the powerful influences from today’s unhappiness traps, especially the ‘idol trap’.

Remember, the idol trap tricks our children into remaining idle (ie not doing anything) or being an idol (expecting others to do it for them) when challenges happen in life.

This message encourages our children instead to respond when things go wrong by standing tall, facing the difficulty and slowly working their way through it.

But all of this takes courage. As we work though these Strong Love messages we will be dealing with the theme of courage and how to pass onto our children the skills and life experiences that help prepare them to cope with their lives.




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What to do next?

Return to The 10 Strong Love Messages overview
Read: Message 8: Let the adults make the adult decisions



Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.