Message 6: I may want it but I don’t need it


Try saying to yourself ‘I may want it, but I don’t really need it’ and see what reactions you have to this message. Is it frustrating? Disappointing? Upsetting?

Are you also struggling with unmet desires that leave you feeling restless and unhappy?

Say it again to yourself – think of that car, jewellery, new home. I would like it but I can wait and that’s okay. I choose to let it go for now.

Don’t forget that your children watch your every move as you make decisions in life and handle the feelings that arise.   This strong love message helps us tackle these challenges with our children …. ‘I may want it but I don’t need it’.


As parents we need to be sure that we can stand by what we say, especially knowing that these situations often lend themselves to our children feeling frustrated and possibly expressing this to us as anger.

Our children need opportunities to experience these emotions and practise managing them safely. We play an important role in modelling this to them – by accepting that at times we also have to wait for what we want.


Remember that pursuing the dream of affluenza, fed by consumerism, is never really the path to happiness, it’s only likes to trick us into believing it is. It is better to balance it with … I may want it but I don’t need it.




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What to do next?

Return to The 10 Strong Love Messages overview
Read: Message 7: Problem happen in life - it's how we handle them that matters



Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.