5. The world is becoming fearful


There is a very real sense these days that we are living in troubled times and our children are openly explosured to serious world issues in a way that we were probably sheltered from as children.

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But our children are not the only ones feeling threatened or overwhelmed. It can be said that we are living in a world that is becoming more fearful.

Many of us hearing about climate changes issues, acts of terrorism, or depleting natural resources have experienced overwhelming emotions of powerlessness, desperation or depression.

Is this what we want to pass onto our children?


Some of us choose instead to get lost in avoidance or denial.    Is this what we pant to pass onto our children?


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Our future lies in the hands of the next generation – our children. How we parent today is significant to this part of the bigger picture.

What do our children need from us

to help them survive and thrieve in these challenging times?



If you’re interested in talking with other parents about these issues

or actively working on developing your children’s ability to cope in an uncertain future –

then you may like to consider joining The 10 Secrets of Successful Families




What to do next?




Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.