3. The job opportunities are shifting


What will the job market be like for our children in the future?


Flat world


Thomas Friedman helps us see that the ‘neighbourhood’ in which our children will play their role is no longer around the block, but around the globe.


“Events happening on the other side of the world affect us more powerfully and personally than in any previous time in history”.




Bangkok 2

With off-shoring, international outsourcing and the growth of multinational corporations, our children will need to compete within the world market.
Bangkok 1

It is now known that the Chinese culture places great emphasis on education and hard work, a perspective not equally shared by some western developed societies.


What does this mean for us as parents?

By the time our current ten year olds are reaching adulthood and beginning to look for jobs or compete for their place in the world, the flattened world changes are likely to see them in a very different place than we had imagined. We need to do whatever we can to help prepare them for this new global world.



What to do next?




Therese Schilt is a Clinical Psychologist working in Sydney, Australia. She enjoys travel and spending time with her four daughters.